Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Female Scientists Yet To Explain Boris Johnson’s Popularity

A group of prominent female scientists claimed they had failed to understand the inexplicable popularity of Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.

Despite sustained and continuous study, the group of female scientists had been unsuccessful in their attempts to explain the phenomenon, a spokesperson describing it as “baffling and frustrating, like trying to explain the offside rule”, in a statement yesterday.

The news comes just hours after the part-time Bungle impersonator and Mayor of London attracted criticism for his defence of Professor Tim Hunt, who was in turn heavily censured for comments made about female scientists.

The bebicycled whiff-whaff enthusiast resisted protests that the professor’s statement, claiming women cried more readily in the workplace, were sexist. His assertion that the comments were made during a “light-hearted, off-the-cuff speech” echoed Sir Tim Hunt’s own statement shortly before his resignation from University College London.

The Conservative politician is not shy of controversy, being a Conservative politician, and it has been suggested that he could have breached the Sex Discrimination Act by defending the Professor. Although Johnson would usually look to add the breach of another sex act to his tally, it is thought he would look to avoid contention ahead of a return to frontline politics.

In the face of such overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it remains all the more frustrating to the group of female scientists, as to how Boris Johnson retains his overwhelming popularity.

“We’ve honestly no idea,” the spokesperson continued, “So far, everything seems to point to the kind of resentment levels usually associated with Nick Clegg… but everybody bloody loves the blustering buffoon.”

The spokesperson would not be led on claims that the test results had been contaminated by the scientists’ tears.